Types of Filter Coffee | The Barista’s Guide

Halime Yılmaz


Picking the best-filtered coffee to suit your tastes might be more complicated than you would think at first. Choosing the ideal brew method and coffee filter from various filtered coffees is possible.

You've come to the right place if you want to know about the different types that are available right now. Here, we talk about different kinds of filtered coffee. These are made in different ways, have different qualities, and are liked by different people.

We've mentioned all in this article. In the end, you'll know enough about the many options to drink, the first step toward selecting the ideal one for you and your loved ones.

Let's get started by explaining what filter coffee is.

What Is Filter Coffee?

The name can cause some misunderstandings.

Every kind of coffee, including espresso, is filtered in some way. Also, "Filter Coffee" is often used to refer to a wide variety of tools: Many other brewing methods exist, including the more common pour-over, aeropress, Chemex, Siphon, etc.

Because of their shared distinction from an espresso machine, we can also refer to this class of brewers by the term "low-pressure brewing." Brewing at low pressure requires concentration. The ratio of coffee to water in an espresso machine is around 1:2, whereas, with a filter coffee maker, it's closer to 1:16.

What kind of taste change do you anticipate as a result of that? Espresso has a thicker texture, whereas filter coffee is thinner, and its flavors are more nuanced and complex.

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Pour Over Filtered Coffee

One of the most common methods of brewing filtered coffee is the pour-over, also known as drip coffee or filter coffee. It is made by pouring hot water through coffee grounds in a filter. The water flows through the grounds, drains away, and then gets filtered into a mug. This type of filtered coffee is manually prepared, which is a crucial distinction from other types. To put it another way, this method of brewing calls for the coffee grounds to be poured over hot water by hand. That's why it's also known as "manual brewing." To make good fresh filter coffee, add about twice as much water as ground coffee and stir gently; this should take about 30 seconds. Make sure to pour in steady spirals when you are pouring. Those who want more control over the final flavor prefer this sort of filtered coffee. When done right, coffee is clear, clean, and even. The filter catches a lot of the oils, ensuring the cup is clean.

  • Coffee Machine Required: Dripper
  • Grind Type Used: Medium-coarse grind
  • Filter Type: Cone filter
  • Coffee Strength 1:17 (coffee to water weight ratio)

French Press Coffee

Despite its name, the 'French' Press was actually invented in Italy around the turn of the twentieth century. But it is now a common way for people worldwide to make coffee. French press coffee is produced by immersing a filter into boiling water, whereas pour-over relies on gravity to 'drip' coffee as it slowly accumulates in a container.

A standard French Press consists of a beaker, a cover, and a plunger. Warm water is added to the coffee grounds in the container, stirred, and then covered to let the water soak in. After the time is up, the plunger is slowly moved down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. Tada! It's that easy.

If you use a French Press instead of pouring over, you are less likely to ruin your cup of coffee. If you grind your beans just right (not too fine or too coarse) and let them soak for the right amount of time, you'll be sure to make some delicious coffee.

  • Filter Type: Metal filter
  • Grind Type Used: Medium coarse grind type
  • Coffee Machine Required: French Press Coffee Maker
  • Coffee Strength: 1:15


AeroPress Filtered Coffee

The AeroPress is probably the most creative way on this list to filter coffee.

The AeroPress, which was first created in 2005, is a portable gadget that can make decent coffee considerably more quickly than techniques like pour-over. It is put together in a way that is about the same as a French Press. But its plunger puts a lot more pressure than the one in the other.

Because of this, the oils from the coffee grinds can infiltrate the filter and add to the coffee's taste.

The Aero Press is easy to use but comes with some costs. Its small size makes it easy to carry around, but it also limits how much coffee you can make at one time. Enjoy your fresh filter coffee!

  • Grind Type Used: Fine Grind
  • Coffee Machine Required: Aeropress Machine
  • Filter Type: AeroPress paper filters
  • Coffee Strength: 1: 16.7

Siphon Filtered Coffee

This one is the most fun way to get your coffee ready. A typical siphon filter set looks like it was made in the 1800s, giving the process of making and drinking coffee an old-fashioned feel. This pre-sip sensory experience significantly affects how we perceive coffee to taste.

To make siphon coffee, finely ground coffee is combined with warm water and 'siphoned' via a tube using gravity. This gives the coffee a smell that you can't get any other way. Even though the set-up can cost a lot, it is well worth it, especially if you often have people over because the parts are big enough to make a lot of coffee at once.

Just like the pour-over method, siphon-filtered coffee can be made in many different ways. You can and should decide on a lot of different things, which lets you make coffee just the way you like it.

  • Grind Type Used: Fine Grind
  • Coffee Machine Required: Siphon
  • Filter Type: Siphon Paper Filter


Chemex Filtered Coffee

Chemex filtered coffee is just coffee made with a Chemex Coffeemaker.

With this equipment, it's easy to make fresh filter coffee. First, put the filter paper into the Chemex by folding it in half. We recommend rinsing the paper with hot water and discarding the water that leaks through. Put the ground coffee in the filter. Slowly pour boiling water over the coffee. Stir the mixture as you pour to ensure all the grounds get wet. You should pour the remaining 400g of water into three separate batches. After that, remove the filter and enjoy your coffee made with a Chemex filter.

This coffee is for people who like a clear cup that brings out the sweetness of the coffee. When brewing coffee in a Chemex, you can be certain that no bitter flavors will make it into your cup.

  • Grind Type Used: Medium-coarse Grind
  • Coffee Machine Required: Chemex
  • Filter Type: Chemex Paper Filters
  • Coffee Strength: 1:17

Cold Brew Coffee

The cold brew technique could be the most well-liked and widely used when it comes to preparing iced coffee at home. An easy method is to combine ground coffee with cold water and let the mixture sit in the fridge for a day. Next, you'll use the paper filters to strain the mixture into a concentrated liquid that will keep for two weeks in the fridge or be ready to drink right away.

It tastes like iced coffee. But iced coffee is hot coffee chilled with ice or put in the fridge. When making cold brew coffee, hot water is not used, and it never gets hot and has a higher ratio of coffee to water than regular drip coffee.

This way of making coffee is great for people who want to make a lot of coffee at once. Aside from that, this is perfect if you want coffee that tastes great and is not too bitter or acidic.

  • Grind Type Used: Large, coarse grind
  • Filter Type: Paper filters
  • Coffee Strength: 1:8


Clever Dripper Coffee

The name "Clever Dripper" may not be familiar. Clever Dripper is a great option if you want full-bodied coffee with a clean taste and none of the sediment you get when using a French press.

The Clever Dripper might be the easiest way to make coffee out of all the ways we've discussed here.

This Clever Dripper includes a release mechanism at the bottom that allows water to drain when it is set on a cup. Put your medium-ground coffee in a paper filter that has already been wet, add hot water, and let it sit for two to three minutes. When it has steeped for as long as you want, just put the Clever Dripper on a cup, and the coffee will flow into the cup. This should take a minute to a minute and a half. Make the grind coarser if it takes longer. Make your grind finer, and it will take less time.

Using the same filter papers as your regular coffee maker is another fantastic feature of the Clever Dripper. Chemex, Aeropress, and v60 all need special filter papers you can get at a coffee store.

  • Grind Type Used: Medium-coarse grind
  • Coffee Machine Required: Clever Dripper
  • Filter Type: Filter Paper

Flash Brew Coffee

Flash-brewed coffee is also called Japanese iced coffee.

Making this sort of filtered coffee is similar to that of cold brew coffee. However, there are some distinctions.

To preserve the maximum taste of a "flash brew," the coffee is iced promptly after brewing. Also, it is served with ice. Coffee is poured directly over ice using less hot water than traditional procedures. To brew it:

Boil water and let it cool down. Put your ground coffee in the filter, and pour hot water over the coffee to soak it. Before you start pouring water in a circle, wait about 30 seconds. Once the water has been poured in, wait for the filter to drain completely before sipping your coffee.

It's best for people who like the taste of a hot cup of coffee but don't want to drink it when it's hot outside.

  • Grind Type Used: Coarse grind type
  • Coffee Machine Required: Aeropress
  • Filter Type: Paper filter
  • Coffee Strength: 1:13

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What is it?

Filtered coffee is made by pouring water over ground coffee beans in a filter.

What does it taste like?

Filtered coffee results in a smooth and clean cup of coffee without sediment or oils.

How to make it?

Automatic drip machines or manual methods like pour-over can be used to make filtered coffee.

Wrapping It Up!

Even though almost all coffee is filtered somehow, the term "filtered coffee" can be a little confusing. But in this post, we've explained the differences between the most common types of filtered coffee.

Filtered coffee is a fun and experimental method of drinking coffee. Why don't you look over our list and see if there are one or two kinds of coffee you haven't tried before?

☕️ You'll love the flavor, we promise!