16 Turkish Coffee Benefits: A Cup of Health

Halime Yılmaz


How would you like your coffee? Plain or with sugar?

In Turkish culture, it is not possible to imagine mornings without a cup of Turkish coffee.

It is a popular drink around the world, especially in Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Dubai, because it helps you concentrate and gives you extra energy.

Coffee's stimulating effects aren't the only reason to start brewing; research has also shown that it may have a number of positive effects on your health.

But — deep breath — are there any side effects to drinking Turkish coffee?

Aside from Turkish coffee health benefits, Turkish coffee benefits and side effects will be discussed in this article.

You probably don't need an extra reason to get a new cup. But, just in case, read on. You can refill your mug first if you'd like. (We can hold on a minute…)

Here we have listed 16 Turkish coffee health benefits for you:

- Helps reduce the risk of cancer significantly

A study found that drinking Turkish coffee can reduce by 25% the chance that men will get prostate cancer and that women will get endometrial cancer.

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that can be stopped from getting worse by drinking Turkish coffee.

- Turkish coffee holds useful compounds

It's possible that Turkish coffee has more healthful ingredients than other types of coffee.

Chlorogenic acids are found in them, and they are powerful antioxidants and polyphenols that have several health benefits.

This acid has several health benefits, including the reduction of inflammation, blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. There were more chlorogenic acids in coffee produced from ground brown beans than in other types of coffee, according to one research.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cardioprotective properties of substances like diterpenoid.

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- It improves blood circulation

One study showed that coffee makes the heart beat faster and pump more blood than it normally does. The study participants' finger blood flow was measured non-invasively using laser Doppler flowmetry before and 75 minutes after consuming coffee and found to have increased by 30%.

The muscles require oxygen to function, which is carried by blood. When muscles receive more oxygen, they can perform better.

Improved muscular function leads to enhanced physical performance.

See More: Ethiopian Coffee Guide

- It helps in losing weight by regulating blood sugar levels and boosting fat-burning metabolism

Without any extra sugar, a cup of Turkish coffee has about 15 to 18 calories on average. This is not the end of the list of benefits it offers.

On top of that, it makes you feel full and speeds up the burning of fat, making it one of the most important drinks.

- Protects the body by providing a lot of antioxidants

Antioxidants, which protect cells from damage, are also found in large amounts in Turkish coffee beans.

But it's not as simple as that, Peart says, "The most recent study shows that it's not the antioxidants themselves that make coffee good for you, as long as you don't drink too much of it. It's the phenolic chemicals that do it."

Phenolic chemicals, also called phenols, are found in plant foods and are an important part of your body's defense system. They protect your body from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Coffee beans, which are plant foods, are used to make coffee. Research shows that the phenolic parts of coffee have health benefits similar to those of fruits and vegetables," Peart says.

Also, Cardamom, a flavorful spice often used to flavor Turkish coffee, has been linked to Turkish coffee health benefits. Cardamom is high in antioxidants, which may help decrease inflammation and thus decrease your risk of chronic illnesses.

- It helps reduce stress and is linked to a lower risk of depression

Several studies have found a link between consuming Turkish coffee and a reduced risk of depression.

One review of seven studies found that people who drank one cup of Turkish coffee per day had an 8% lower chance of depression.

Looking for a nice Turkish coffee in Dubai?

- It improves your ability to focus and concentrate

Most of us can't start our day until we've had a hot cup of coffee after getting out of bed in the morning. If you drink a lot of coffee, you know how hard it can be to focus on your work when you don't have any energy.

Because it has caffeine, Turkish coffee makes it easier to focus, so you can be more productive and efficient.

Turkish coffee is a great choice if you want to increase your energy so you can perform better as an athlete or if you want to improve your focus at work.

- Turkish coffee boosts energy levels

Boosting energy is one of the Turkish coffee health benefits. Caffeine is a central nervous system booster that is known for giving people more energy and fighting tiredness.

This is because coffee blocks the receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine. This raises the levels of other neurotransmitters in your brain that control your energy levels, such as dopamine.

Caffeine use has been shown to accelerate the time to exhaustion during cycling exercises by 12% and to dramatically lower subjective degrees of fatigue.

In another study with similar results, taking caffeine before and during a round of golf helped performance, made people feel more energized, and lessened feelings of tiredness.


- Turkish coffee maintains hormonal balance and protects the liver

The liver is important for many body processes, like keeping the balance of hormones like cortisone, thyroid, and adrenal hormones. Common long-term liver illnesses like hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver can lead to hormonal changes.

Some studies show that people who drink Turkish coffee often are less likely to have liver problems.

- Makes people live longer

Some studies show that the many possible health benefits of Turkish coffee could help people live longer.

For example, a review of 40 studies found that people who drank two to four cups of coffee every day had a lower chance of dying, regardless of their age, weight, or how much alcohol they drank.

In a similar way, another study of 1,567 people found that drinking caffeinated Turkish coffee was tied to a lower chance of death after 12 and 18 years of follow-up. Also, people who drank at least one cup of coffee a day had a lower chance of dying from cancer.

In an interesting test-tube study, it was found that coffee could protect yeast from damage caused by free radicals and DNA damage.

But more study is needed to find out if this could also be true for people.

Read more: Americano vs Black Coffee

- Turkish coffee is beneficial to the skin

Turkish coffee benefits for skin are endless. Turkish coffee benefits for skin include smoothing the skin, reducing cellulite, and improving blood flow, which makes the skin healthier and silkier.

Not only when you drink it, but also when you put the rest of the grounds on your skin, Turkish coffee makes your skin feel and look fresh.

Instead of throwing away your used Turkish coffee grounds, put them to good use by exfoliating your skin. Exfoliate dead skin and increase blood flow by rubbing the grains across your skin.

Turkish coffee grinds mixed with coconut oil may be used as a mild exfoliant for chapped lips by rubbing them together. Exfoliating with coffee leaves skin appearing soft and silky no matter where you apply it.

If you drink coffee in the morning, some mornings are probably harder than others, and that can sometimes show on your face.

Turkish coffee can help if you hate having dark bags under your eyes. Coffee not only gives you more energy, but it can also be used to improve blood flow and smooth the skin around your eyes, which makes them look better.

- Turkish coffee reduces pain

Participants who took part in a study felt less pain when they drank two to three cups of Turkish coffee.

By drinking Turkish coffee, the subjects cut their muscle pain by 48%. Naproxen and aspirin, on the other hand, cut pain by 30% and 25%, respectively.

By visiting our website, you can also discover valuable brewing tips to help you make the perfect Turkish coffee in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Order Turkish coffee grounds now!

- Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

A lower long-term risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes has been linked to frequent coffee consumption, according to some studies.

One meta-analysis of 30 studies indicated that daily Turkish coffee consumption was associated with a 6% reduced risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes.

Researchers believe that Turkish coffee's capacity to protect the pancreatic beta cells responsible for insulin production and blood sugar regulation is to blame.

And it may influence risk factors for type 2 diabetes such as insulin sensitivity, inflammation, and metabolism thanks to its high antioxidant content.

- It reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease

Studies have shown that drinking Turkish coffee may reduce your chances of getting dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.

People who consume caffeinated coffee have a 60% decreased chance of developing Parkinson's disease compared to people who drink decaf coffee, suggesting that the caffeine content plays a role in the health benefits.

- Turkish coffee strengthens memory and brain health

The anti-fatigue effect of Turkish coffee has been shown in several scientific studies.

Aside from that, its stimulating action improves the signal-to-noise ratio in the brain and enhances memory.

- Improves athletic performance and provides an adrenaline rush

Coffee is a natural booster that can make you smarter and help you do better in sports. It has more energy than other types of coffee, which may also be good for sports.

The results of research involving 20 athletes show that those who regularly drink Turkish coffee have a noticeable performance advantage.

The Bottom Line

The health advantages of drinking Turkish coffee are many and impressive, including increased focus and efficiency.

Is Turkish coffee bad for you?

Although coffee has many positive effects, excessive use might have negative side effects. Be sure to drink a healthy amount of Turkish coffee.

It is also extremely easy to prepare and requires few ingredients.

If you want to buy Turkish coffee online so you can try it for yourself, check out Traum Kaffee!

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